Secrets To Forming Your Dream Team

Secrets To Forming Your Dream Team


The year is drawing to a close, which means that it’s time to prepare your new year’s resolutions. This time why don’t you make it for your company? No, this doesn’t mean putting in extra hours and extra effort but rather refers to making ‘coming to work’ much more enjoyable for both you and your employees. According to TravelPerk, more than 50% of the respondents are planning/interested in team building activities conducted either once a month, or once every 3 months.

So how do you plan to do this? Organize parties every week? Not feasible. Erase the company hierarchy altogether? Going to result in complete chaos. No, what we propose is something much simpler and more productive. Invest in team-building activities. 

Team Building Activity

Working in a city like Dubai gives you access to an endless array of options for business and fun. Some of these activities are in fact specifically tailored to suit team-building activities. 

So, have a look through our recommended list that is guaranteed to help bring your team closer to each other and improve their teamwork.

5 best team-building activities in Dubai to try out:

  1. Escape Rooms – Personally, we can’t think of a better way than this to bring your team closer together. Locking in a room together with a time limit is sure to initiate communication and improve problem-solving and strategizing skills. Check out some of the most exciting escape rooms in Dubai.

……..Stan Tip: To add in a bit of extra fun, do a horror escape room.

  1. Dragon Boating – There are several places in Dubai that specialize in dragon boating as a team-building activity for companies. Taking part in physical activities as a team can especially help in increasing collaboration and trust in the team.

    Stan Tip: Create a slogan while rowing to make the activity more engaging.
  2. Camping in the Desert – Sometimes all your team needs is the chance to speak freely and open up to each other about their worries, anxieties, or just life in general. Spending a night in the desert, bonding around a campfire in the cool winds can help your team to understand each other better and motivate them to work together.

    Stan Tip: Be the first to open up and speak about your personal thoughts to encourage others to follow.
  3. Paintballing – Another physically energizing team-building activity is that of paintball fights. Apart from how fun and uplifting this activity is it can also help in bringing out hidden skills such as leadership, strategizing, and quick thinking. It’s also a great way to remove any built-up frustration that one might have at work or in their daily routines.

    Stan Tip: Give each other code names such as Alpha, Tango, or Charlie to increase bonding among the employees.
  4. Obstacle Courses – There are several obstacle course parks filled with zip lines, tight ropes, and ladder climbs that are sure to be experiential learning for the team. Many of these parks also offer programs that cater to specific organizational objectives.

    Stan Tip: Make it a timed race and introduce a reward to encourage everyone to do their best.


These are simply a few handpicked suggestions to get you started but there are many more options out there that can help in improving both employee skills as well as their rapport with each other. So don’t be afraid to experiment with something new with your team, it will only be appreciated. 

Now that you know that there are many fun ways to increase productivity and teamwork, why wait to plan your team-building event? Set up a quick call with your team and discuss an activity you’d like to do together or scan through options on EventStan to easily plan your next activity with no extra costs. You can also download the app and check the plan on the go. 

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